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About me
Let's be honest. . . No one reads biographies.
I've been trying to write a nice and interesting one, when I suddenly realized making music was one the wisest choices I made in my life.
Well... if you ask me, it wasn't really a choice.
No one forced me either, don't worry, but to tell you the truth, as a child I wanted to be a lawyer. I was already learning music, but I knew my job would be to be in a court. That; was until year 2002.
It was a cold day of February (15°C is pretty cold in South of France).
I remember that day like if was yesterday. I was 9 at that time. Me and my brother were about to start playing a new video game. At this moment, I didn't know my life was about to change... Forever.

À propos
KingsJose Pavli
00:00 / 07:05
SkylineJose Pavli
00:00 / 02:51
Midnight LightJose Pavli
00:00 / 03:12
ShowdownJose Pavli
00:00 / 03:10
Main ThemeJose Pavli
00:00 / 03:43
Wives and DoctorsJose Pavli
00:00 / 00:36
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